74. From 0 to 6 billions in two years - Samir El-Sabini (Juni)

They went from 0 to 6 billions (in SEK) in two years.

Samir El-Sabini - CEO & Co-founder at Juni, that helps e-commerce businesses take control of their cash flow - in B2B SaaS CEOs!

We discussed how to really nail your Go-to-Market strategy, the big hole in the market they saw, AI, the importance of not being afraid of taking decisions, and much more.



1:40 - Juni's elevator pitch.

3:15 - Who is Samir El-Sabini?

6:00 - Why he founded Juni.

9:30 - 5 quick ones.

10:15 - The top ways Juni works with AI.

12:15 - Go-to-Market deep dive.

25:40 - The best way to do outreach to Samir.

28:10 - External question from Theo Zätterström: Question regarding successful sales organizations.

32:50 - Samir top superpowers as a leader.

35:00 - The top things he would tell his younger self.

Music in the episode

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