Supercharge your LinkedIn prospecting with email automation.

Unlock the power of intelligent email outreach for your sales team. Our email automation tool seamlessly integrates with LinkedIn, empowering you to connect, engage, and convert prospects like never before.

How it works

Our intuitive sequence editor lets your drag-and-drop to build your sequence. LinkedIn, email, phone, and manual tasks. It's all there to make your prospecting shine.

LinkedIn is the biggest B2B database in the world with over 700 million profiles. You can import them into your sequences using our Chrome extension or our Sales Navigator integration.

And you can import CSV files from other systems too!

Vaam will automatically run your sequences in the background. Only when a prospect is warm and ready will you be asked to step in.

Automated email sequences

Create powerful email campaigns that work in harmony with your LinkedIn actions. Design multi-step sequences that combine email outreach with strategic LinkedIn interactions, such as profile views, connection requests, and post engagements. Our intelligent system ensures your emails are sent at optimal times from your own mailbox, maximizing open rates and responses.

Smart thread management

Keep conversations organized with automatic follow-ups in the same email thread. Our system intelligently tracks responses and maintains context, allowing for seamless continuation of conversations. Never lose track of a promising lead or miss an opportunity to re-engage a prospect.

Personalized Video Integration

Stand out in crowded inboxes by easily including customized video messages. Record once and let our custom built system personalize the video for each recipient, adding a unique touch that significantly boosts engagement rates. Track video views and interactions to gauge prospect interest and tailor your follow-ups accordingly.

Benefits of email automation

Save time: Automate repetitive tasks and focus on high-value interactions.


Increase Engagement: Deliver the right message at the right time with smart scheduling, directly from your own email.


Improve Conversion Rates: Nurture leads effectively with consistent, personalized follow-ups.


Gain Valuable Insights: Track open rates, response rates, and other key metrics to refine your strategy


Enhance Deliverability: Utilize validated email addresses to improve your outreach success rate

Let's get started with Vaam today.

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