44. You have to know how to use AI - Piotr Zaleski (Ingrid)

He has a strong passion for changing the delivery industry and also for AI.

Piotr is the CEO & Founder of Ingrid, and we're talking about AI, business development, his mistakes, leadership, and much more.



1:35 - Ingrid's elevator pitch.

4:15 - The story of why and how Ingrid started.

6:40 - Ingrid's top KPIs.

10:15 - Piotr's best strategies regarding business development for a company going from startup to scaleup. (Partners, Content, and Account-based marketing and sales).

14:00 - A mistake they made with their GTM strategy

16:00 - The best way to do cold outreach according to Piotr.

18:20 - Biggest mistakes?

20:10 - A topic of Piotr's choice (AI).

23:00 - External question from Charlotte Holmen at WeTal: "What does your process look like to develop an idea that no one has done before and then ensure that no competitors copy or do it better?"

25:00 - Is Piotr a good leader?

26:55 - His top superpowers as a leader.

29:10 - An odd thing regarding leadership - very transparent with his shortcomings.

31:30 - The worst things about being a leader and how Piotr tackles it.

33:10 - Leadership is all about Vision.

34:40 - The top things he would tell his younger self.

35:45 - Where Ingrid will be in 5 years.

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