How Vaam has helped Hailey engage more with their customers

Hailey - guardians of HR simplicity

Hailey is used by HR departments and managers to easily collect and manage the company's HR processes in one place.

Everything from hiring, onboarding, and employee evaluations to salary review and vacation planning. The focus is on user-friendliness, automation, and GDPR compliance.

How do you use Vaam?

Hailey is a system that is constantly being developed, and in order to quickly and easily train our customers on new functionality that we release, Vaam is an invaluable tool for us.

With three clicks, I can record how the functionality is used and explain it in my own words! Even when customers need help communicating information to their organization about new functionality, we can now assist customers in their internal skill development.

Portrait photo of Rebecka Melander
Rebecka Melander - Customer Success Manager at Hailey HR

How did you and the team work before Vaam?

Before we started using Vaam we did what everyone else does — explained everything using text. Indeed, text is needed at times but it takes a lot of time and decreases the flexibility in our message enour

What was the experience of getting started with Vaam?

At first, it was a little strange, but other than that, only positive!

It also took much less time to get started than I thought... I thought Vaam would be time-consuming, but it was really easy to get comfortable with the tool.

Do you have concrete examples of things where Vaam has helped you succeed?

  1. In November, we launched one of the biggest new functionalities ever in Hailey. A lot of information had to go out, and some changes needed to be made by customers who wanted to take advantage of the new possibilities.

    We communicated this through a vaam and hoped that as many customers as possible would get started with the news on their own. A launch that could have been time-consuming and repetitive instead had an incredibly successful result where we saw high activity on the video and just what we wanted, that the majority of all customers got started on their own.
  2. A customer was launching a new work method in the organization, moving absence reporting from another system into Hailey. By recording a video for the managers and one for the employees, we were able to reach both target groups in about 10 minutes (5 minutes/vaam), ease the work of the HR manager, avoid many questions, and ensure that the organization learned the same work method.
👉 Click here to learn more about how you can collect and manage your company's HR processes using Hailey HR

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