95. Are you speculating or using facts? - Daniel de Sousa (Rillion)

Skip the speculations and stay to the established facts when it come to your Go-to-Market strategy.

Listen to Daniel de Sousa - CEO at Rillion - in B2B SaaS CEOs!

We discussed speculations vs facts, that every change need to be connected to a relevant story, building a truly collaborative team, enjoying the ride, and much more.


Timeline in the episode:

2:00 - Who is Daniel de Sousa?

6:00 - Rillion's elevator pitch.

6:40 - Why he joined Rillion.

8:40 - The top Go-to-Market initiatives they focus on now.

24:45 - The core of the Go-to-Market strategy if Daniel would start a new company.

28:15 - The best way to do outreach to Daniel.

29:30 - A topic of Daniel's choice: Building a truly collaborative team

35:15 - His favorite book: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

36:20 - His favourite life motto.

37:20 - The top things he would tell his younger self.

Daniel's company Rillion helps you save time and money with AP Automation.

Read more about Rillion on: https://www.rillion.com/

Follow Daniel de Sousa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danield11/

Music in the episode

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