56. Does it sparks joy? - Marit Rødevand (Strise)

Do the things you do spark joy? It's much easier to get people to your team, follow your vision, and be open to change if it's joyful.

Marit Rødevand, the CEO & co-founder at Strise, in B2B SaaS CEOs.

We're talking about the importance of focusing on things that sparks joy, boosting your business with AI, the key steps in a strong enterprise sales process, Demand generation in a modern way, and much more.



1:25 - Strise's elevator pitch.

1:50 - Who is Marit Rødevand?

2:40 - The background of Strise.

4:00 - 5 quick ones.

5:00 -  The top ways Strise use AI.

9:00 - Top KPIs for Strise.

11:20 - Key cornerstone regarding building a strong Go-to-Market machine.

13:40 - A fun fact about Marit.

14:20 - Big business mistakes she has made.

15:40 - A topic of Marit's choice - Demand Generation.

19:30 - External question from Rickard Lönn at Streamify: "How important would you say pricing & packaging are to achieve a successful go-to-market strategy & how did you handle that at Strise?"

21:40 - Marit's view of good leadership.

25:15 - Her superpowers as a leader.

26:30 - Pitfalls as a leader.

28:50 - The top things she would tell her younger self.

29:30 - One of Marit's favourite life mottos right now.

29:45 - Where Strise will be in 5 years.

Marit Rødevand's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodevand/

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