33. Pierre Lindmark (Winningtemp) - The power of vision boards

Do you work with vision boards? If not, here you hear why you should and how you get going.

Pierre Lindmark is the CEO & co-founder of Winningtemp, and in this episode, he shares great insights regarding the power of vision boards. And of course, we dive deep into Leadership, Business Development, and several other parts.



1:15 - Winningtemp's elevator pitch.

02:00 - The story of the beginning of Winningtemp.

05:40 - Pierre's secret sauce within leadership.

10:00 - How to tackle the hardest thing as a leader.

13:30 - A topic of Pierre's choice (Vision boards).

19:50 - External question from Axel Axelsson at TangoScale: "There is a lot of talk about standing out when it comes to marketing. What does that mean in practice for you?"

21:20 - Winningtemp's top KPIs.

24:25 - The best way to do cold outreach to Pierre Lindmark.

27:00 - The two things he would tell his younger self.

30:55 - Where Winningtemp will be in 5 years.

Music in the episode

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