32. Start with a narrow ICP - Malcolm Burenstam Linder (Alva Labs)

Find and decide your narrow ICP, everything starts with that!

This episode with Malcolm Burenstam Linder from Alva Labs focused a lot on the importance of having a narrow ICP but also on self-awareness. And of course, we dive deep into Leadership, Business Development, and several other parts.



1:40 - Alva Labs' elevator pitch.

03:00 - The story of the beginning of Alva

05:40 - Malcolm's secret sauce within leadership

10:00 - How to tackle the hardest thing as a leader

12:45 - A fun fact about Pontus

13:50 - Malcolm's biggest mistake in business

15:15 - A topic of Malcolm's choice (Bitcoin)

18:30 - External question from Caroline Steiner from Epidemic Sound: "How do you ensure your organization understands where the money comes from so that all departments think about how they can serve and help the sales?"

20:30 - External question from Jason Baskaran: "What is the biggest mistake businesses are making right now when it comes to their growth and their desire for ARR? And how do they avoid it?"

22:20 - Alva's top KPIs and why they chose them

25:30 - How to create a narrow ICP

29:30 - The best way to do cold outreach to Malcolm

31:00 - The two things he would tell his younger self.

34:30 - Where Alva will be in 5 years.

Music in the episode

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