31. Strategy execution - Pontus Björnsson (PE Accounting)

Do you want to know about Strategy? Then this episode's for you!

Pontus Björnsson is the CEO at PE Accounting who right now is leading a team of around 150 people and is a true nerd when it comes to Strategy Execution. Of course, we also dive into Leadership, Business Development, and several other parts.



1:20 - PE Accounting's elevator pitch.

02:40 - Why Pontus is a good leader

03:40 - The power of humanizing your ICPs

06:40 - The focus on problems and the one thing that went wrong

09:40 - Leadership is about people and direction

11:10 - A fun fact about Pontus

12:30 - A topic of Pontus' choice (Strategy execution - the Scaleup method)

15:00 - External question from Johan Rosenstrid: "Which challenge has created the most creative solution in your sales work?"

18:50 - Their top KPIs

21:20 - His best Go-to-market strategies

24:00 - The best way to do cold outreach to Pontus

25:30 - The top three things he would tell his younger self.

28:00 - Where PE will be in 5 years.

Music in the episode

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